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Below is a list of all books written by Dr. Jones. All books are available to read for free online.
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Full Book Title List




Showing 1-10 of 10


Secrets of Time

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN ES NL

The revelation of timing as revealed in the Scriptures and in history. It reveals the importance of October 1986 as the 120th Jubilee from Adam and the legal declaration of the Jubilee in the fall of 1986. The book shows the order in history and how nothing happens by accident. It reveals "the time of Jacob's trouble" and how America, Canada, Britain, and other nations fit into the overall Plan of God.


Creation's Jubilee

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN ES RU NL

This book deals with the sovereignty of God and the Restoration of All Things, which is God's overall purpose in history. It also gives little known Church history showing how these vital teachings were lost in the fifth century. It explains the three resurrections of barley, wheat, and grape companies in a general overview.


The Laws of the Second Coming

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN ES NL

A thorough study of Israel’s feasts and their prophetic significance to the second coming of Christ. Most Christians know that Passover showed the timing of Christ’s death on the cross in His first appearance; but few understand the meaning of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. This book also teaches the laws of Sonship and the Manchild.


The Genesis Book of Psalms

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN NL

Fascinating study of the first 40 Psalms of the bible and how they correlate to the book of Genesis. This work is a continuation and completion, if you will, of the work done by Dr. Bullinger on this subject. There is much to discover here that we consider to be very illuminating in the study of scripture.


The Biblical Meaning of Numbers

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN UR

This is the compliment/companion to the book titled "The Genesis Book of Psalms". This came as a result of the study done in the above mentioned book after realizing that there needed to be more work done on this subject. Enjoy!


Wars of the Lord

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN

This 255-page book gives 50 chapters of spiritual warfare experienced by Dr. Stephen Jones from 1981-2008.


Lessons From Church History Volume 1

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN

Volume 1. This gives a short history of the Church from the apostles to the Roman War, including Luke’s account of Paul’s journeys in the book of Acts. It includes Paul’s fourth missionary journey to Spain and Britain.


Lessons From Church History Volume 2

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN

Volumes 2-4. This is the history of the Church from the Roman War (66-73 A.D.) to Constantine and the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. with lessons to be learned from it.


The Struggle for the Birthright

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN NL

The dispute over that thin strip of land called Palestine and Israel has been the single issue in the past fifty years that is dragging the world into disaster. Many Christians have foreseen this great conflict by reading the Bible, but very few really understand how God views it. This book traces the history of that conflict from the beginning.


The Ten Commandments

Category: Long Book
Languages: EN

Under the Old Covenant, these are commandments, telling our flesh what to do to conform to the mind of God. Under the New Covenant, these are ten promises of what God will do in us so that we can be conformed to His image. This is a basic study on the divine law, the basis of government for the Kingdom of God.


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